Big Mouth: Netflix Hit Is Hugely Relatable

Baruch Constantine, Author

Big Mouth, one of many new Netflix shows, has received an 80 percent positive rating from several polls and has a 100 percent rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Big Mouth is definitely worth watching as long as you don’t do it with your grandma since it’s an animated show about Andrew, a teenager going through puberty.

Andrew (John Mulaney) is a seventh-grader, and while many things are exaggerated about him (in a comedic way), he is very relatable, and many boys who watch the show will instantly understand how he feels when he’s in class trying to avoid the frustrations that come with puberty, or pretending to know what his friends are talking about when he hasn’t even completely kissed a girl yet.

Andrew’s frustrations come in the form of the “Hormone Monster” (Nick Kroll), which is a cross between a wild thing (from the children’s book Where the Wild Things Are, by Maurice Sendak) and Charlie Sheen. It allows anyone watching the show to see how Andrew feels based on the monster’s actions.

Jessi (Jessi Klein), the main female character, is similarly relatable to girls. In the second episode, Jessi gets her first period and is introduced to her “Hormone Monstress” (Maya Rudolph), which is similar to the male version if you replace Charlie Sheen with a supermodel.

Alexandra Dustin, an SFHS junior, said, “I felt exactly like Jessi, and she made it so that I loved the show.” She added, “Even though I’m a girl, it helped me understand boys a little better. It was really fun to watch.”

Big Mouth can be relatable to any person who has ever gone through childhood: boy or girl, rich or poor, gay or straight, it doesn’t matter. This holds true for parents, too. It’s one of many things that make this show a delight. Every little thing, including the parents and how they treat their kids — from over-protectiveness to the dad that is never there — makes the show more relatable. It comedically reminds people of middle school and lets everyone look back on it with a smile.