Sidewalk Chat — November

What was your favorite childhood memory?

“It was my fifth birthday and I brought all my friends to see Madagascar at the DeVargas Mall and we all ate a bunch of cake.” —Ashlyn Vigil

Ciara Morgan, Author

What was your favorite childhood memory?

“When I went to Cedar Point in Ohio with my family and rode all the rides. I was 3 years old.” —Trinity Jensen
Ciara Morgan
“When I went to Cedar Point in Ohio with my family and rode all the rides. I was 3 years old.”
—Trinity Jensen
“Going to see Finding Nemo with my parents.” —Nicole Johnson
Ciara Morgan
“Going to see Finding Nemo with my parents.”
—Nicole Johnson
 “Hitting my brother’s head with a hammer.” —Maya Griswold “Breaking my brother’s nose.” —Maggie Gerber
Ciara Morgan
“Hitting my brother’s head with a hammer.”
—Maya Griswold
“Breaking my brother’s nose.”
—Maggie Gerber
"Coming home from school one day and seeing the new puppy." —Mateo Martinez
Ciara Morgan
“Coming home from school one day and seeing the new puppy.”
—Mateo Martinez
"Playing Power Rangers with my brothers and friends." —Don Jaramillo
Ciara Morgan
“Playing Power Rangers with my brothers and friends.”
—Don Jaramillo
"Playing basketball with my dad coaching." —Briana Salazar
Ciara Morgan
“Playing basketball with my dad coaching.”
—Briana Salazar
“It was my fifth birthday and I brought all my friends to see Madagascar at the DeVargas Mall and we all ate a bunch of cake.” —Ashlyn Vigil
Ciara Morgan
“It was my fifth birthday and I brought all my friends to see Madagascar at the DeVargas Mall and we all ate a bunch of cake.”
—Ashlyn Vigil