Griselda Coronado


Rees Schellstede, Author

Griselda Coronado, a woman who loves helping others.

Ms. Coronado joined the SFHS staff in 2022 as the secretary for the special education department. She spends her time scheduling appointments and helping parents and students with IEPs. “I love to work with the parents and students and help kids with special needs,” she says.

Originally from El Paso, Texas, Ms. Coronado lived in Arkansas for around 20 years. She went to Brian University in Roger, Arkansas, where she learned many new skills that she could use in her future career. 

Before working at SFHS, Ms. Coronado was an oncology medical assistant, which is why she got her medical science associate’s degree. But she decided to leave the medical field because she wanted a change. 

Ms. Coronado has three kids, two boys and one girl. In her free time she “love[s] to travel, whether it’s to the boys’ soccer games or for a vacation.” She also just likes to spend quality time with friends and family.  

Overall, Ms. Coronado says that in anything she does, she wants “to help others.”