Studio Art Students’ Work in Prestigious Show
November 2, 2019
Five students from Santa Fe High’s Studio Art class have had their pieces accepted in the UNM Young Artist Exhibition. This is an art show created by the staff of UNM and the Masley Art Gallery in Albuquerque.
The following students’ work accepted: Fiona Ellis-Green, Isabel Rogerson, Kristiana Croxton-Torres, Natalia Payne, and Brannon Selestewa.
According to art teacher Ms. Andrews, only 30 percent of the art entered for the show is accepted and that the show is pretty open to any subject. She added that Santa Fe High is the only school north of Albuquerque to have pieces in the show.
Ms. Andrews also said that there won’t be a winter art show at Santa Fe High this year because it’s too hectic with the holidays. However, there will be an art show toward the end of March or early April.
For more information, see Ms. Andrews in room VA-103.