Demon Soccer On The Rise
October 2, 2018
The Demon boys soccer team is beginning the district season with a successful start. Having their first victory against St. Mikes, the team has already played eight games. As of Oct. 3, the overall record is 8-3.
The boys are really pumped up for the season, the captains said. But they know it won’t be that easy facing top powerhouse schools in Albuquerque, such as Sandia, Manzano, and Albuquerque High. Things will also be interesting having rival Capital High in their district, making things a little complicated.
This is what the varsity captains have to say.
Matt Hunter feels the season is off to a good start, but he also stated, ¨We need to focus and work harder.¨
Jonathan Manzanares has a good connection with the team. He stated, “We all like each other. We all have a bond just like a family.¨
Sergio Ibaka`s goals for this season is to ¨score a goal.¨
And a big congratulations to Matt Hunter, named State Player Of The Week. Only 30 players per week are nominated to receive this national honor.