Food For Thought: The Angel For The Demons

Alyssa Montoya, Author

In New Mexico, more than 300,000 people struggle with hunger, and over 100,000 of those people are children, according to New Mexico Voices For Children. However, Santa Fe High continues to lower the numbers through the Food For Thought food bank.

In just one day, 60 to 100 students will visit the food bank, according to Mr. Pederson, who maintains Food For Thought along with Mrs. Pederson. He reports that Mondays tend to be the most active because kids may not have had enough to eat over the weekend, in the same way that those in need try to stock up on Fridays. Mr. Pederson states, “They will eat everything we have.”

Since hunger is a huge issue, the demands of being consistently in supply of food can get difficult. Santa Fe High sometimes relies on the organization Adelante to contribute food. However, the main supporters remain the Santa Fe High community. Mr. Pederson said, “The students do an excellent job.”

The name “Food For Thought” came from the reality that students cannot think when they are hungry or worrying where their next meal is coming from. (It is also interesting to note that some staff members use the food bank.)

The food bank was begun in school year 2013 -2014 by Leah O’Shell, who now works for the district. When Mr. Pederson and other volunteers took it over, they relocated it to the lower level of the academic building.