Demons Go On Adventures!

Leila Pierpont, Author

In the Santa Fe High community, many teachers try to expand their students’ horizons by taking them on trips. This year, destinations vary from Los Angeles to Europe to northern Africa.

Mr. Eadie has been taking classes on summer trips for about eight years, and he is always very excited to go. This year he is taking up to 12 students to Rome, Greece, Italy, and North Africa. He will take them sightseeing and give them a chance to immerse themselves in other cultures.

Mr. Eadie says this year he has more students interested than ever before, but the timing and cost might make it impossible for some. The trip costs $4,500 each and includes flights, hotels, and food. He says the trip is worth the money; students on past trips have really enjoyed them.

While Mr. Eadie is taking students mainly for fun, other teachers take students on trips for competitions or for bonding, which is exactly what Ms. Barnes is doing.

This spring, Ms. Barnes is taking her choir students to Los Angeles for a three-day singing competition. They will also go to Disneyland and spend a couple of days at the beach. This trip will cost approximately $1,000.

English teacher Ms. Salazar will take students to England and Scotland during spring break this year, from March 17 to March 25. All students are welcome on this trip, which will cost $3,600. They will visit Edinburgh Castle, Shakespeare’s birthplace, Anne Hathaway’s cottage and many other interesting attractions in Loden and Edinburgh.