¨I stand by all the mis-statements I´ve made¨
-Former Vice President Dan Quayle, 1989
There have been a few “archetypes” when it comes to the personality and resume of the person occupying the Office of The Vice President in Modern America. Since the death of Franklin Roosevelt, 11/16 of the last Vice Presidents were at one point Senators, with another 3/16 being a part of the House of Representatives at one point before becoming Vice President (Mike Pence-who was a House Rep during the noughties before becoming the Governor of Indiana, George H.W Bush-who was a House Rep from Texas during the 1960s/1970s but was selected due to his time as Ambassador to the UN/Ambassador to China/CIA Director, and Gerald Ford-The Leader of House Republicans during the late 1960s and early 1970s). Only 2 of the last 16 Vice Presidents have been governors, these were Spiro T. Agnew (who resigned as he was being investigated for bribery (Naughton, 1973) ) and Nelson Rockefeller (Gerald Ford’s VP Pick, chosen as he was well liked in comparison to other Republicans in the fallout of Watergate). This is partly due to the Vice President’s role as President of the US Senate, and being able to push a presidential agenda through the Senate/Congress in general is a large part of what can define a Presidential Tenure. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 (a key piece of President Lyndon Johnson’s Presidential Legacy) was led through congress by Vice President Humphrey (Rukavina, 2014), a longtime supporter of Civil Rights since his days before becoming a US Senator in the 1940s (Humphrey, 1948). Some Vice Presidential Candidates are selected for their legislative ability (Walter Mondale, Al Gore), or are chosen partly for their ability to act as attack dogs on the Campaign Trail (e.g Spiro Agnew), or as an olive branch to a different bloc of a political party (Kamala Harris, LBJ, Nixon, Pence, etc.), or to lend credibility to what some might consider an otherwise inexperienced candidate (Cheney & Biden).
“Hollywood is Great but Wrestling is my first love.”
-A separate “Triple H” unrelated to the 38th Vice President of the United States,
Hubert Horatio Humphrey
During the Campaign Season of the 1988 Election, Vice President George Bush was at a crossroads during his own VP Selection Process. The Vice President had just come out of a lengthy primary season where he had gone up against Pat Robertson (a prominent televangelist), and Bob Dole (the leader of Senate Republicans at this point). Dole had come from the state of Kansas, and won certain states affected by the 1980s Farm Crisis such as Minnesota and Iowa in the RNC Primary. Bush was already in hot water for being a part of the Presidential Administration that oversaw the 1983 Invasion of Grenada (a move that was described by the United Nations as a “violation of international law” in a 1983 resolution that passed 108-9 in the General Assembly (Dever, 1983) ), the previously mentioned Farm Crisis, the AIDS Crisis, an ever-expanding War On Drugs, the Challenger Explosion, the mass firing of Air Traffic Controllers, not to mention how the Iran-Contra affair was still freshly in the minds of many Americans who also saw the man who led this administration, Ronald Reagan, as an old geezer (Bans & Collins et al, 1986) as he held the record of being the oldest that any American President had been up to that point in time. Reagan, however, still had the public speaking ability and general charisma of a Hollywood Actor, George Bush did not. In the eyes of many people, he was a wimp (Warner, 1987). Bush needed a Number 2 that could counteract this idea that existed within the American people. Bob Dole was once Reagan’s endorsed choice for Gerald Ford’s VP in 1976, but despite Doles extensive history in the military which led to a permanently paralyzed right arm he was seen as “rude” to many Americans, especially as he told Bush “stop lying about my record” as he conceded the Republican Primary to Bush (Dole, 1988). The other option was Jack Kemp, a former football star but someone unmanageable in terms of finances on the campaign trail (Babcock, 1994), and a bit too far to the right for most of 1988 America’s pallet. Bush needed someone who could bring a certain charm to his ticket, especially as Michael Dukakis seemed to be unstoppable in the 1988 Campaign Season (Dionne Jr, 1988), drawing comparisons to another Massachuessets Democrat, John F. Kennedy.
“Stop lying about my record!”
-Bob Dole, 1988
On August 16th 1988, George Bush shocked the world and announced that he would be sharing a ticket with Indiana Senator, Dan Quayle. Quayle had been a House Rep during the latter half of the 1970s, and a US Senator since 1980, beating Birch Bayh in a race for the position of Indiana Senator. Quayle was the first Baby Boomer ever put on an Executive Ticket (Will, 1994) and was the son of a prominent newspaper conglomerate by the name of James Quayle (Wong, 2000). However, he lacked a certain amount of legislative experience compared to the two candidates on the DNC ticket. Quayle was a quintessential 1980s Reagan Republican (albeit without 1/100,000,000ths of Ronald Reagan’s charisma), and eventually questions started to arise about Quayle regarding his time in the National Guard, his lack of time in the Federal Government, and the seemingly unending avalanche of shoddy wordplay that left Quayles mouth at any given moment. Quayles’ defining moments from the 1988 Campaign Season were: a rather odd statement revolving around the Holocaust, stating “The Holocaust was an obscene period in our nation’s history. I mean in this century’s history. But we all lived in this century. I didn’t live in this century.” (Quayle, 1988) as well as trying to counter the claims regarding his lack of legislative experience by relating it to JFK’s legislative experience in the 1988 VP Debate, leading to one of the most iconic moments in American Debate History.
QUAYLE: I have as much experience in the Congress as Jack Kennedy did when he sought the presidency. I will be prepared to deal with the people in the Bush administration, if that unfortunate event would ever occur.
BENTSEN: Senator, I served with Jack Kennedy, I knew Jack Kennedy, Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine. Senator, you are no Jack Kennedy. (Prolonged shouts and applause)
(Woodruff, 1988)
Of course, the 1988 election did not swing in favor of the Massachusetts Democrat running with a Texan Senator in the same way it did in 1960, Dukakis lost in an electoral landslide with Bush winning 426 electoral votes compared to Michael Dukakis’ 111 electoral votes (Williams, 2016). This victory came after a series of attack ads made by the Bush campaign targetting the polluted Boston Harbor (Ailes, 1988), and Dukakis’ Weekend Freedom Passes for Prisoners program which led to one prisoner who was incarcerated for a 1974 robbery-turned-murder, Willie Horton, using this program to leave Prison and go on to rape and murder a woman, assault her partner, and then steal their car. The tale of Willie Hortons crime spree in relation to Michael Dukakis’ Weekend Freedom Passes for Prisoners program was a major part of Bush’s advertising campaign against Dukakis (Atwater, 1988 & Simon, 1990), which was not helped by Dukakis attempting to rehabilitate his image by arriving to a campaign speech in a tank (Schulte, 2008), which led to the development of a rather comedic image of the 5’9 somewhat-scrawny legislator atop a tank, wearing a shirt/tie combo as well as a slew of military gear.
1988 DNC Nominee Michael Dukakis on the Campaign Trail atop an M1 Abrams Tank!
After the 1988 election, it was time for the Bush/Quayle administration to get to work! The Bush/Quayle administration oversaw the fall of the USSR and Coalition victory against the Iraqi Government in the Gulf War, however, the Bush/Quayle administration was not seen in nearly the same light as the Reagan/Bush administration. Partly because Quayle, the young & quite conservative VP pick meant to energize the Reaganites of America, did anything but. Quayle was constantly parodied, lambasted, made-fun-of, and ripped apart by political pundits & well known celebrities at every turn. This was due to Quayles socially awkward nature that was further exacerbated by his constant mis-statements like: ¨I love California, I practically grew up in Phoenix¨ (Andrews, 2002), or ¨It’s time for the Human Race to enter the Solar System¨ (Sharp, 2020), and of course in the wake of the 1992 LA Riots “The cause of the riots were the rioters” (Quayle, 1992A).
Alongside his constant beefs with said Hollywood celebrities such as Tupac who not only dissed the then sitting VP outright on his 1993 song “Peep Game” stating “Vice President Dan Quayle eat a **** up” (Shakur, 1993A) as well as sampling a speech made by Dan Quayle calling for supposedly obscene media to be pulled from store shelves in his song “Pacs Theme” (Shakur, 1993B). Quayle also had beefs with entities entirely fictional such as the fictional Newscaster, Murphy Brown (The main character of the Emmy Award winning sitcom of the same name) who Quayle believed were “mocking the importance of fathers by bearing a child alone” (Quayle, 1992B) to which a TV Special dedicated to Single Mothers was produced in order to counter as well as address the Vice President’s comments. The episode ended with a truckload of potatoes being dumped on the White House lawn (Dontzig G & English D et al, 1992). A reference to an incident that occurred at a New Jersey Spelling Bee meant for School-children, where the sitting VP told a child that the correct way to spell “potato” was as “potatoe” in what is possibly the zenith of the former VPs legacy.
“Add one little bit at the end…think of ‘Potato’, how’s it spelled? You’re right, phonetically, but what else? [the child then adds an ‘E’ to the end of ‘Potato’] There you go!”
-Dan Quayle at a 1992 Spelling Bee in New Jersey.
(Witnify, 2020)
You might ask how the Bush/Quayle administration was seen by conservatives in America, and it was not much better! The Bush Administration was critiqued by prominent conservatives during this time like the previously mentioned Pat Robertson, 1992 RNC Primary Challenger Pat Buchanan, as well as a new arrival to the American Political Scene-Radio Host Rush Limbaugh who was quickly becoming one of the most prominent voices for hardline conservatives in America. These figures critiqued Bush for two major reasons, lying about a promise raised at the 1988 RNC wherein Bush stated “Read My Lips. No New Taxes” (Bush, 1988B) to which Bush then raised the maximum individual income tax rate from 28 percent to 31 percent, and raised the individual alternative minimum tax rate from 21 percent to 24 percent after being inaugurated (Panetta, 1990), as well as failing to depose Saddam Hussein after the First Gulf War (Deseret News, 1992) alongside skepticism about the newly signed North American Free Trade Agreement signed by Bush which came from Americans who made their living in the manufacturing business (Martin, 2018), as well as the Bush economy starting to decline in the early 1990s (Talton, 2018). These critiques were not helped when considering continued allegations surrounding Dan Quayles history of drug use, stemming from an incarcerated Indiana man claiming to be Dan Quayles drug dealer in college (Singer, 1992). The ‘lack of enthusiasm’ at best and ‘downright laughable’ at worst reputation surrounding the Bush/Quayle administration led to a rather pathetic showing for an incumbent in the 1992 New Hampshire Primary between Bush and Hardline Conservative former White House Comms Director Pat Buchanan, where the incumbent had barely gotten over 50% of votes in the statewide election, leading to widespread parody and concern over the incumbents situation (Davis & Downey et al, 1992). Meanwhile, another third party candidate had been gaining in polls by the name of Ross Perot. Perot had built his campaign on what would be considered today as the “Populist Republican Platform”. Perot’s campaign surrounded Deficit Hawkishness to critiques of International Trade Deals, government distrust, as well as a tough-on-crime perspective, and at one point took the lead in polling during the 1992 Election Season. However, the Perot campaign was dysfunctional, to say the least, and the Texan Billionaire dropped out before re-entering the race to the presidency shortly before Debate Season, and gained 19% of the popular vote during the Presidential Election in November, and while Perot and his “Reform Party” had faded into obscurity by the 2000 election. Their policies are survived by one Billionaire, who explored a 2000 run with the Reform Party and thrice again decades later by the name of Donald Trump (Bois, 2024). Meanwhile, Democrats chose a fairly moderate candidate by the name of Bill Clinton, who brought a certain “playing saxophone on late night talk shows” charm to the DNC ticket that the RNC lacked (Hall, 1992). The B-Side to the DNC Ticket was the well-spoken albeit uncharismatic Al Gore. However, it is not hard to triumph over Quayles charisma, and it showed during the 1992 Presidential Election. Where the Democrat ticket of Clinton/Gore triumphed over the Republican ticket of Bush/Quayle 168-370 in the Electoral College.
“Who am I? Why am I here?”
-Reform Party VP Candidate James Stockdale (Center).
To his left and right are Al Gore and Dan Quayle, respectively
(Bruno, 1992)
After the 1992 Election, Dan Quayle faded into relative obscurity. Quayle attempted to run in both 1996 (Cornwell, 1995) and 2000 (Purdum, 1999) for the position of US President but quickly flamed out in both due to his reputation as a “doofus” persisting even into The New Millenium. In 2021, Quayle received a call from then-sitting Vice President Mike Pence regarding what to do in regards to certifying the 2020 election. To which Quayle told Pence to certify the election and refuse calls from Republicans such as Donald Trump to overturn the 2020 election (Woodward, 2021). Today, Quayle is a large-scale investment banker in Arizona for Cerebrus Capital Management (Guyer, 2021) and leads a relatively quiet life compared to other former VPs like Al Gore who is still an active voice for causes surrounding Climate Change (Marchant, 2025), Mike Pence who is still somewhat active on social media and speaks at public events (Albright, 2024), or Kamala Harris who shas been making public appearances at public performances (Patten, 2025) and on television (Vaziri, 2025). Dan Quayle’s son, Ben Quayle, ran for a Congressional Seat during the peak of the “Tea Party Revolution” in America, and won largely due to his conservative fiscal policies. However, Ben Quayle lost his re-election bid after being outed as a frequent contributor to an Adults Only Website (Hunt & Wong, 2010). Today, Dan Quayle can often be seen either at presidential innaugurations or at funerals for prominent politicians.
Dan Quayle (Far Left), at Jimmy Carter’s funeral. To his left are his wife, Marilyn, as well as fellow former VPs Al Gore and Mike Pence.
Dan Quayle was a cornerstone of the New Jack Swing era of the late 1980s/early 1990s. He can be viewed today as a case study for electoral politics, how a lack of charisma and constant befuddling can ruin a candidate’s image in the eyes of the electorate. George H.W Bush was by no means an unpopular president in the same way his son was when he ran for re-election in 2004, or in the same way Jimmy Carter was in 1980. He was not seen as “out of touch” with Average Americans in the same way Joe Biden was seen as in the wake of rising costs in the early 2020s or Gerald Ford during the Whip Inflation Now campaign (Russell, 2022). However, attached to his name on each ballot in America was one of the single most parodied and laughed-at politicians of the 20th century leading to one of the largest electoral harpoonings of recent history. Today, if you ask someone what they think about the Former Vice President, they’ll either go “Who?”, or laugh and joke about how American Politics have evolved since the early 1990s. A lot can be taken away from Quayles career in politics, how his career signaled the death of the Reaganite and the birth of the “Compassionate Conservative” of the early 21st century as seen with George W. Bush or Mitt Romney (until Trump’s rise to prominence rebirthed Reaganism in America), or how Reaganism may have been popular in America due to Ronald Reagans own popularity in the second half of the 20th century. What I take away from the career of Dan Quayle is one of the great paradoxes in politics, what I like to call ‘The Quayle Quagmire’. Essentially: People want an experienced candidate, but most experienced candidates are old (e.g Joe Biden in 2024), Younger candidates are inexperienced and should not be in an executive office (Sarah Palin in 2008), however, experienced candidates who are young are generally the result of Nepotism and are even more disliked than candidates perceived as “old” or “inexperienced” as seen with Dan Quayle.
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(Screenshot) Bob Dole concedes (Electron Media Group Incorporated): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIB4sOkV7ro
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Michael Dukakis atop a tank (ABC News): https://fivethirtyeight.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/backfire_5.jpg
Dan Quayle at Spelling Bee (X, Formerly Twitter): https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSOh8P_LFdMjeWkkyyXNmYn2Iyoa6DmGLMWew&s
1992 VP Debate (SF Gate): https://s.hdnux.com/photos/01/13/15/43/19716288/4/ratio16x9_1920.jpg
Quayle at the Funeral of Jimmy Carter (UPI):