WAVE is a student-driven program that promotes student wellness and improves the school climate by providing mentorship to middle and high school students. Students attend training sessions and work creatively as a team to help advocate for social causes including suicide prevention, substance abuse awareness, anti-bullying campaigns, LGBTQ+ rights, promoting positive choices, and preventing gun violence.
In the 2023-2024 school year, they promoted safety at Prom and Homecoming to be safe. Throughout the school year, they have done presentations on suicide prevention, gun violence prevention, and substance abuse prevention.
Their achievement was helping a park clean up by picking up trash at Salvador Perez, the ROTC group attending as well. They won $1,000 for the school and they collected 61 bags on May 1st.
The members have been getting involved in community events, including going to the round house. They went on a trip to help promote bills associated with their cause. Sophomore Ruby was speaking on helping legislation on funding for the homeless in Santa Fe.
Mari Chacon enjoys spending time with her club members and she loves how relaxed it is.
The group meets regularly during lunch in the library. “A lot of the students don’t drive or don’t have transportation outside of school, so we try to do it during the school day”
They are winding up the year now, some WAVE members went into classrooms to recruit for next year as they would lose some members due to graduation. They have meetings during lunch in the library.
Contact Mari Chacon ([email protected]) for more details if you are interested.